Memory Trace: A New Transaction /SDF/MON will be used to trace the memory utilised by the instance based on Trace Duration. SYSTEM TRACE:(ST01) 1.Authorization Trace (if SU53 Could not Trace) 2.Kernel Trace 3.Buffer Trace------ST05 (performance Trace) 4.Enque(Lock Trace)-ST05(Performance Trace) 5.RFC Trace-------ST05(Performance Trace) 6.SQL Trace-------ST05(Performance Trace) 7.http Trace------ST05(Performance Trace) 8.Table Trace: ST10 9.Business Transaction Analysis:STAD 10.ABAP Trace:SE30/SAT 11.Global Analysis(Functional Trace): ST30 Program Trace/Transaction/Functional Module Trace 12.Memory Trace : /SDF/MON 13.Program Dumps: ST22 14.SYSTEM Logs: SM21 15.Process Traces:ST11/SM50 16.Dispatcher Trace: ST11 logging(Dispatcher and Processes Granularity is increased by using the parameter rdisp/TRACE=0,1,2,3....... Ensure that the "work" directory has Enough Space. Logging and Tracing: by default the instance specific logs are written to the log in the directory /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/log/SLOG. ABAP Dumps: When ever a program could not be executed it will Thrown as a Dump into Table SNAP. Table SNAP is reorganized by a report RSSNAPDL.